Holocaust Remembrance Day, or Holocaust Day, is observed as Israel's day of commemoration for the approximately six million Jews and five million others who perished in the Holocaust as a result of the actions carried out by Nazi Germany and its accessories, and for the Jewish resistance in that period.
The Germans and their collaborators killed as many as 1.5 million children, including over a million Jewish children and tens of thousands of Romani children, German children with physical and mental disabilities living in institutions, Polish children, and children residing in the occupied Soviet Union.
Like many I remind myself how little the world has learned from this tragic period!
I like to remember those little ones, those innocents whose lives were snuffed like mere candles extinguished simply because their physical aspect, family origins and/or faith were different...
I only have to listen to the news to know we have much to learn from the present and the past if we are ever to have a future!

(Photo source Google - Anne Frank)
Note: Additional information can be seen (HERE)
They should never be forgotten...