Dreaming a whole new world with CSN.Stores
If you consider I am just beginning to get used to the idea of buying online you will be surprised to hear how excited I was when CSN.com recently gave me the opportunity to check out their 200+stores and post reviews on my blog.Perhaps I am still of the old school but I like to physically go to a store site and browse through the displays (yes, I still like to carry a basket and stroll through the market!) Thus it took some adjusting but I learned to surf the web for a specific item and I soon discovered what a great resource the internet was.Then I found CSN.com...Needless to say with so many sites to choose from, I decided to look for one particular kitchen item only to remember I had always wanted such and such for the bedroom and this would be lovely on the patio, and...well I am not called Noelle the dreamer for nothing! Oh the dreams...But first I checked all my favourite Cookware.com, one of the many stores which are part of of CSN network and I found my Corelle dishes:
Simple and elegant for every occasion, easy to clean and very compact to store. Cookware.com offers a very competitive price in many of the items I checked but in this particular instance beat the competitor! You guessed it, I bought mine from a large Department store a while back... On this site I also spotted the following matching set of bowls:
And because I love baking I also noticed the perfect kneading board (I am writing Santa after this):
This was the also the best price I found for this item! Since I was getting acquainted with the many stores I went a step further and checked their telescopes because my husband is dreaming of a larger one than his older 4" Celestron NexStar. Again I was surprised to see how competitive their prices are. Perhaps one day we could look into this particular one with its 6" Schmidt-cassegrain Celestron NexStar 6SE Computerized Telescope - 11068
Since we live by the ocean we could not resist checking also the following, someting we both would like to acquire!
But most important to me was finding our the charitable contributions these many stores sites are actually giving! I think if you are like me it makes it that much more special to purchase from a site and it definitively gave me a good feeling.
http://www.csnstores.com/csngivesback.asp The three-mile walk around the River was attended by over 35 CSN Stores employees. With the contributions from coworkers and a matching donation from CSN Stores, these Boston walkers raised more than $7,000 for the March of Dimes for example and this is only one of the many charities they contribute to. And so, dreaming on, I think I might just like to buy online after all...
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