A few days ago a good friend and neighbour brought us fresh figs and I made a lovely compote. And since we are leaving for the mountains for some relaxation I hope to pick up a bushel or two of apples. I love baking and can be on occasion very creative, something my family never complaints about! I know the house must smells like a bakery but it is such a comforting smell!
Staying at our cabin for a few days means we are a bit challenged in regard to our diet since we have no refrigeration. Fruits are always on the menu, corn on the cob, bread and cheese - we keep a cooler with 2 frozen gallons of water for freshness - and of course dry and canned food.
Depending on the weather we might even be able to lit up our wood cooking stove and if so I see pancakes on the menu early in the mornings!
And since I have learned to like watermelon (pasteque) I discovered recently seedless watermelon! All those little seeds use to be a challenge but since it is so refreshing I was very happy to know there is such an alternative especially when I found this recipe!
Once tried, I just knew this was just what I needed after a long day's work!
Jus de Pasteque
1 ripe seedless watermelon
sugar, preferably organic
To make:
remove rind of 1/2 of the watermelon
cut fruit in small cubes
process in blender, add water and sugar to taste.
I like to steep a few pieces of fruit in a glass jar in the fruit juice to add more taste and voila!
And while you enjoy this, I will be dreaming in the mountains... See you in a few days!
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