Amazingly my friends never get tired of hearing me say how much I love books! Even better they know me well and always share their latest find!
Thus no matter how many I read (and I will say honestly I always have 2 or 3 books started!) there is always a new story around the corner!
Then it remains for me to find the time to read it of course...not an easy task around the holidays but there is always tomorrow and the day after and so on... So many books and so little time...
The Forgotten Carols is an absolute classic, a DVD of a timeless story of a nurse whose very life is changed when a patient recounts the stories behind our Saviour's birth!
You will find yourself changed and I can attest, you will never forget Michael McLean's performance! This is a perfect way to remember what Christmas is all about and to rediscover the joy the Season brings to each of us!
The first time we saw the sold-out live performance on DVD we were spellbound and we decided to make it a tradition on Christmas Eve. It never fails to move us and to perform its magic!
This year however we were treated to the book The Forgotten Carols, a Christmas miracle for Isaac and Eliza. Written and narrated by Michael McLean, it includes a music CD you will not soon forget!
It seems Christmas would not be the same for many of us without hearing "I'm dreaming of a White Christmas". Mr. Crosby has left generations with a tear in their eyes and few have been able to equal that tune!
We now add Mr. McLean's "I cannot find my way" and "Let Him in" to our list of favourites for this Blessed Season. It would be very hard not to feel whole when hearing these songs.
A very humble thank you for such wonderful talent shared!

I will be putting this on my Christmas must watch list. Since it is right around the corner. :)