There are definite advantages in this era of technology I cannot deny (most appreciated since we loose the power often on this island)!
On top of my list is
number 1, a washer! Have you ever noticed, be you man or woman, how that laundry pile keeps on growing? There is something absolutely wonderful about filing a washer whilst adding soap and softener (and in my case also Borax as our water is very hard) and just push on that button! Voila!
And if you are wondering if what follows this statement will look like Heloise advices to homemakers everywhere you are wrong!
This simply reflects how lucky I feel to have such commodity - I distinctly remember times when it was not so - and therefore having the time to post on this blog which of course I very much prefer!
Seriously however, I have realized this past year it takes time to think of a specific subject you wish to blog about.
Think of a diary my daughter says...
Does anyone else remember reading Erma Bombeck and her book "If life is suppose to be a bowl of cherries, why am I getting all the pits?" I must admit there has been moments in our daily life that would remind you of her witty comments!
I have learned to "surf" the Net and enjoy reading many posts in "Blogland", again at my daughter's suggestion, and I have come to a few conclusions:
- My name is not Martha and whilst we share a liking for the same colours, I doubt we have any other common points!
- I love baking and yes our home has a distinct smell of Pains in the wee mornings with a subtle fragrance of galettes and scones near teatime! Feel free to stop by anytime! Just remember ferry times and a guest pass, a must since this is a private island...
- There are books
everywhere in this house - at the exception perhaps of the bathroom (I dislike seeing reading material in that particular room) and no surprise, this is a favourite pastime of ours!
We read every chance we get and yes I will admit we often read more than one book at the time...Are we the only ones?
Subjects varies greatly but neither of us read autobiographies or political debates!
There is nothing like a good day's work followed by a nice warm shower - the later is a definite
number 2 on my list of favourite technological wonders - and sitting in bed with a good book! So soothing before bedtime!
I remember sitting in my rocker in the evening and reading stories to our children... We called it quiet times! There was never any problem getting our children to sleep...
-Everything, and I mean just that, everything stops for teatime! There is nothing like a good cuppa especially during stressful times and be warned, running out of tea would be a capital offense...
- I love knitting particularly layette and there are so many wonderful charities in need of such!
- Ours is an eclectic home with little treasures collected in 60 years of traveling along 6 Continents, 4 Oceans and many countries, some whose borders and names have been shuffled and renamed since! One suitcase, one camera and 2 good pairs of walking shoes is all you need...
A good digital camera is
number 3 on my list of technological wonders...I am forever pointing and I marvel at the endless possibilities in such a small item, particularly since I am all thumbs!
- I discovered the computer technology at a later time in my life and I have been trying to catch up since! That would actually be
number 4 on the list!
The on/off button part was easy to remember and once I mentally adapted to the "qwerty" keyboard instead of "azerty", I quickly learned you can just press "delete" if you do not like what you have written...
Amazingly I cannot think of anything else we cannot live without it and have not done so. I appreciate a cellphone in an emergency, the entertainment provided by a good movie on the DVD player and the incredible sound of classical and jazz music provided by the stereo system but somehow it does not seem so vital! Time will tell...
- Rocks and minerals find their way everywhere and I have learned to say "Empty your pockets please" before washing the laundry...
- I love flowers in the house and seashells can be found in every room...
I am blessed and will always remain a dreamer...