An Unlikely Blessing,a Forever Hilltop Novel!
This is what Guideposts tells us about the book:
An Unlikely Blessing is a heartfelt story about a new pastor and life-long city dweller Alex Armstrong, who reluctantly accepts his first assignment, a two-point parish in the wilds of North Dakota . Hilltop Township , a farming community, blooms from the prairie like a wild pink rose—lovely and prickly all at once, much like the people who live there.
Alex quickly finds that this lovely place is in quiet peril. Farmers are struggling to make ends meet: Jonas Owens, a faithful member of Hilltop parish, is on the brink of losing the farm. Alex believes that part of why God called him to Hilltop was to help turn things around, and steps in with ideas for saving the Owens' land. But can even God's minister help save this rural community?
There are a lot of firsts for the new pastor—the annual Hunter's Breakfast, julebukking (also called Christmas fooling), King Oscar's fish balls, and the melody of the musical saw. And the new, single pastor creates remarkable excitement among the unmarried women in the community. If you could die of hot dish overdose, Alex would be a dead man. Whether performing weddings, counseling his flock, or herding cattle by snowmobile, Alex soon discovers that his new church home has as much to teach him as he will teach them. Day by day, he falls more in love with the people of Hilltop Church . People may leave Hilltop, but Hilltop never leaves them.
And now it is my turn:
I will first tell you that Alex Armstrong, the protagonist of this first novel in the Forever Hilltop series arrives with his nephew in the farming community of Hilltop township, his new parish.The town limit sign says:
City Population: 1,254.
A place like home.
Now imagine yourself sitting down on a porch on a hot summer evening, reaching out for a cool glass of lemonade and opening this book...
In An Unlikely Blessing you will meet a Pastor unsure of his first assignment - a sudden change of direction in his well ordered life brings him to the plains of North Dakota - and a collection of parishioners not unlike the many who lived all their lives in any small rural community and just...belong there!
Know that Pastor Alex has in fact two parishes to care for, Hilltop and All Saints, both divided over a feud started long ago and whilst his faith is tested in many ways, he grows to love each and everyone of his parishioners.
Meet Twinkle Toes the pig, Dixon Daniels the farmer, Will Packard, the little boy who cares for his "hoomain shelter", Jonas who could very well lose his family farm, Gandy who works as his secretary in lieu of stipend and so many others.
Albeit growing accustomed slowly to the gravel roads, Alex also soon realize he will have to trade his city car for an all-terrain SUV, then add the never ending supply of covered dishes given to Alex by the well meaning ladies of the parish and his resulting waistline expending and my favourite, Tripod!
...Dixon brings a dog to Alex thinking he will soon need its company...
"Alex studied the dog at his feet. He jumped up and began to wag its tail again. It was only then that Alex noticed that the dog stood with one hip higher in the air and the other lowered as if he were standing on the side of a deep hill. "This poor thing has only three legs!"
"Of course. What did you expect of a dog named Tripod? But if you don't tell him something is missing, he'll never know." Priceless.
I read many reviews of this book but ultimately whilst you wish to grab someone's attention, you do not want to reveal too much of the story.
An accurate description of this book is the perfect recipe made with first rate ingredients and baked at the right temperature. Just inhale the honest smell of country life at its very best, savour it slowly as any good book (meal) requires it, and enjoy! The best!
About Judy Baer:

Judy Baer is the author of over seventy-five books for adults and teens. She has won the Romance Writer of America Bronze Medallion and has been a RITA finalist twice. She lives in Elk River , Minnesota with her husband. Follow the Hilltop characters on Judy’s blog and find out more about Judy and her books at http://www.judykbaer.com
About the Giveaway:Prolific author of over 75 novels, Judy Baer, is launching her new Guideposts series, Forever Hilltop, with a KINDLE giveaway! The first book in the series, An Unlikely Blessing
Read the reviews here.
In celebration of the release of An Unlikely Blessing, Judy is giving away a KINDLE prize package worth over $175.
One lucky winner will receive:
- Brand New KINDLE with Wi-Fi
- A $25 gift certificate to Amazon.com
To enter just click on one the icons below and then tell your friends! Winner will be announced on February 21st on Judy's blog, http://www.judykbaer.com/wordpress
For more information please visit the Litfuse website, www.litfusegroup.com and click {HERE}!
As usual please note I received a copy of this book from the Publisher in order to review its contents. I was not asked to provide a positive review and this post reflects only my opinion!
I enjoyed this book very much! I love your blog!