19 February 2013

When The Heart Heals by Ann Shorey, Book review

Publisher: Revell (February 15, 2013)
ISBN-13: 978-0800720735


Courageous and unconventional, Rosemary Saxon served as a nurse during the Civil War, a service that has caused most women in town to regard her as unfeminine and downright vulgar. Although she would like to put her experiences as a nurse behind her, she must support herself. Rosemary takes a position with Dr. Elijah Stewart and a mutual attraction begins to develop.
But when a sophisticated woman arrives in town claiming to be Elijah’s fiancée, a heartbroken Rosemary decides to leave Noble Springs and start fresh. Can Elijah convince her of the mystery woman's deception before he loses her forever?

Return to the town of Noble Springs, Missouri, for an engrossing story of love’s tentative first steps and fragile future in the face of opposition. Readers will find in Rosemary a sympathetic but strong woman determined to thrive in a world that doesn’t always understand.

My thoughts:

Combining a dynamic plot with spirited characters, Ann Shorey gives us a lasting historical novel in 'When The Heart Heals', guaranteed to be enjoyed by her loyal fans.
This latest installment in her series 'Sisters At Heart' provides her readers with the perfect blend of romance and mystery, woven across a troubled historical background, the lean and hungry years following the Civil War.

Rosemary Saxon joins the practice of Dr. Elijah Stewart in Noble Springs, Missouri in early 1867. Two years have gone by since the end of the Civil war but there are still many wounds to be healed, not all physical. Despite her experience caring for soldiers or perhaps because of it, Rosemary is seen as an outsider in the community and times are already hard for any woman alone.
Rosemary finds joy in nursing and despite his earlier misgivings about her skills in herbal lore, Dr. Stewart soon learns to rely on her. In turn, she remembers well the younger doctor who deeply cared about his patients in a time of grievous conflict.

These days, Rosemary's sole family in town, consists of her brother Curt and his wife Fay, her constant companion her faithful dog Bodie. When others needs her help, she finds herself at a crossroad and choices must be made.
As a result Rosemary fears she might lose something very precious just as she found a measure of happiness. However she is not the only one with concealed secrets and when she becomes the object of threats, Rosemary must learn to trust again and ask for help.

A beautiful story reflecting God's love and forgiveness for all, Ann Storey's second book in the series follows 'Where Wildflowers Bloom' (see review HERE), but can be read as a stand alone.
I now join her many fans in asking when will the next installment be published ?!

Suitable for anyone, 'When The Heart Heals' is worth 5 stars!

About the Author:

ANN SHOREY has been a story collector for most of her life. Her writing has appeared in Chicken Soup for the Grandma's Soul, and in the Adams Media Cup of Comfort anthologies. She made her fiction debut with the At Home in Beldon Grove series for Revell. The Edge of Light, released in January 2009, is the first in the series, followed by The Promise of Morning and The Dawn of a Dream. Her new Sisters at Heart series for Revell debuted on January 1, 2012, with Where Wildflowers Bloom. Book Two, When the Heart Heals, was release February 2013.

When Ann's not writing, she teaches classes on historical research, story arc, and other fiction fundamentals at regional conferences.
Visit her website (HERE)

To celebrate the release of Book 2 in her Sisters at Heart Series, ANN SHOREY and REVELL are offering you the opportunity to win wonderful prizes!


Rosemary's artisan breads are a town favorite. Our grand prize winner will enjoy fresh-made artisan breads just like Rosemary's, delivered right to their door with a Zingerman's 6 month Bread of the Month Club membership.


Rosemary's garden is a source of healing for many in the town of Noble Springs. Our second prize winner can grow their very own herb garden, from the comfort of their kitchen.


Rosemary's hand-blended teas and soaps are sold at the town mercantile and grocery, and are a favorite of several of the town's eligible bachelors. Our third prize winner will have the chance to create their own special tea blends, and enjoy soap just like Rosemary's.

How to Enter:

Go to http://www.annshorey.com/contest.html and click the Enter Now button, anytime between February 15 and March 8.

I received this book free from BAKER REVELL as part of their blogger review program. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.  


  1. Hi Noelle, Thank you so much for reviewing When the Heart Heals. I'm delighted that you enjoyed Rosemary's story! (The next book in the series will be released early in 2014. Thank you for asking!)
    PS--Love the little dog picture on the sidebar of your blog. I love dogs!

  2. Thank you for visiting Ann and Blessings to you as well!
    P.S. Mac is my best friend and is my second Corgi!
    Without him, I would be lost!


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