16 January 2015

And Finally Some New Friends...

I did not do as much sightseeing I had originally plan but there were definitively some interesting moments such as this surprise visit to a horse boarding school.

Two of the critters I fell in love with are actually both rescues from Spain, each cared for (and well loved) by both their owner and the boarding manager.

It is thought there is nothing like an equine facial expression to match those of humans. If you take a good look at the first photo, you will notice a little screw right in the middle of the door handle...To keep this little joker from opening his stable door of course.

As to the beautiful Spanish white stallion above, it can only be said he is truly majestic!

(Photo source HERE)

Finally, the year came to an end and with it my trip (actually on the 7th of January 2015). It was time to say goodbye to new and old friends but mostly to loved ones, never an easy task. 

It had been 27 years since my last visit and I found it next to impossible to do all that I wanted in a mere few weeks therefore I plan to go back and very soon, a promise I made and intend to keep!

I wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all those who placed comments and kept me in their thoughts and prayers during my trip overseas. I missed blogging more than I can say!

Until the next time,


  1. Sounds like you had a wonderful trip!

  2. Replies
    1. Mike...I am almost ashamed to say...I already am!
      All the best,

  3. Oh, I do hope that you will return soon. Twenty-seven years is a long time.
    Get back up on the horse and go!

    1. Lynne, I like that expression: Get back on the horse and go!
      The only problem Dear is that when you are here, you want to be there...and when you are there...well, you get it.
      God willing, 27 years will not go by again without my saying hello to loved ones. I trust in Him!

  4. I'm happy that you got a chance to make this trip too....and now you can plan the next one! Loving your photos and getting caught up on your book reviews! Enjoy your week my friend and kindred spirit! Hugs, Diane


I love to share dreams and always enjoy meeting kindred spirits!
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