Perhaps it is the sole atmosphere of this blessed time, the sprucing of the house, the decoration of the tree and mantel, the purchasing of a few gifts, the preparation of special treats, the sharing of good times, or just hearing from a faraway family member or friend.
I love to decorate the Christmas tree of course but I would say hearing from faraway friends and family at this special time of the year ranks first followed by the preparation of special treats to deliver to all!
The Advent Candle is truly special to many households in Europe albeit almost unknown of late to the US . Made of evergreen sprigs and a couple of Christmas ornaments, we proudly display it on our dining room table. Each day the candle, marked with the days leading to Christmas Eve, is burned down a little more at the family evening meals thus showing the passing of those special days!

Certainly of German origin, Advent calendars seem to go back to the mid Eighteen Hundreds albeit the first printed one is said to have been manufactured in 1902 or 1903!
Today we like to make the most of this precious time and welcome a variety of traditions! Be it Anglo Saxon or other, ours is truly a merry time!
My heart always remembers our 6 year old son reading on stage the story of "T'was the Night before Christmas" and so I like to continue the tradition and read classics such as The Christmas Carol" and other Christmas Stories...
Dreaming, always dreaming...

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