Alright I will admit there has not been a fresh Christmas tree in our home since...well, let's say long, long ago when my family was still finding needles in July... A bit like Scrooge, it was declared there would never be a real tree again in our home...So you guessed it, we now have a FAKE tree... Not the same at all!
Still, it is a tree and once I finish decorating it, it looks like the real thing...almost!
So invited by my neighbour and friend to go tree hunting, I jumped at the occasion! The tree farm well known to her had acres of trees, all waiting for us to find the "right" one! A bonfire was lit, hot cider was passed around and after being given a roll of tape to decorate "the" tree, on we went.

Much later, we found the "perfect" tree and started to decorate with the red and white striped tape. Since the tree is already tagged, it remained for us once finished with the last touch, to remove the stub which would of course, assure us to have the right tree delivered in December. Voila!
On the way back to the car however we spotted a very special tree...Decorated with strings of shiny beads, this tree was already claimed. The family who adopted it obviously took their decorating seriously. Drawings were tucked in plastic leaves to protect from the elements, each bearing a child's name...
There is a child in each of us and I felt just a bit envious... Their tree looked - almost - better than ours!

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