When CSN Stores approached me with another opportunity to review one of their many stores I immediately took the occasion to check out their backyard swing sets.
Perhaps it is the fact that we already hear the robins singing and my jonquils are showing in the garden. Spring is not that faraway! We count our blessings we live on an island and in a temperate climate! And we cannot wait to enjoy our garden once again!
Like most child fortunate enough to have a backyard, owning a swing set was the ultimate treasure! Ours was nothing fancy by any means but my brother and I spent countless hours playing on ours. Life was simpler then, without computerized games and television!
Later my children also enjoyed their own swing set. I remember well how glad I was we lived in the countryside. They could breathe the clean air and play safely in our yard! We allowed so much time for Mr.Rogers and Sesame Street programs, then it was time for playing outside. It seems so long ago yet it was only yesterday!
I am such a dreamer I immediately look at all the available swing sets. Psst, I hope to become a Grand Ma one day!
Keeping our rather wet climate in mind, I decided to chose something really sturdy, easy to assemble and in view of the Economy, affordable. The Gorilla Play set Congo Free Standing shown above is in fact very much like the one my sibling and I shared and very affordable at $549 with free shipping.
However I could not resist the Gorilla Blue Ridge Riverview style shown below! It has so much opportunities and I must admit even in my dreams, I could not have imagine something so perfect!
Again with free shipping and at $1899, it seems to be the embodiment of all you would need to keep your children happy and safe in the backyard! It is of course a bit more expensive but if your consider the many hours of pleasure it will bring to a child, it is perfect!

It includes a good size platform, the clubhouse even has working shutters, a safe ladder, a rock wall with climbing rope, belt swings, trapeze swing, even a sandbox area and so much more! Just perfect! I am dreaming of course...
Please note as a Preferred CSN Blogger, I wrote this post and received a gift certificate towards a purchase. The views expressed are however entirely my own!