Confession time...I have not been catching up on all my knitting projects! Oh dear and I just told my husband next trip off island I "must" buy a couple of skeins...
Believe me when I tell you, I love knitting! It is so peaceful! I think it has something to do with our rainy weather for one thing and of course it has been a tad chilly also but it's just a nice feeling to handle knitting needles!
I like to sit by the stove in my rocking chair and knit (or read) whilst sipping a nice cuppa tea! There is however this wonderful stack of books I feel I really should go through... You understand the temptation!
But seriously a Scottish friend emailed me with her plans of clearing up her stash of sewing goods as she seems to have acquire a few extra lots. Being an excellent Seamstress as well as a Couture Teacher she is bound to find a few good homes for the extras if she can part with them.
But as for me, I love all the skeins I have acquired in the last few years. Some projects never started of course and others are just in the swing of things (really!) thus the need for a few extra skeins...
Just like the seeds catalogs I mentioned a few days ago I feel a powerful attraction to a new knitting catalog or even a site I regularly visit...
I never tire from checking out places like The Knit Box with their wonderful selections of Turkish Cotton and particularly their Ebru Needles!
I love my blue set and will vouch for their quality! There is such a feel of luxury when you handle them! A set of these are sure to become an Heirloom and with the Knit Box's mission, you do a little bit of good as well.
Family owned and with 30 years of experience they have a wonderful selection of British yarns with rich colours. Check out the quality of their Blue Face Leicester DK or natural Aran!
P.S. January means 10% off as well!
One more thing: if you are like me you love to acquire a few new "must have" items for one special project or another of course but keep in mind the economy and do not splurge on items like the set of needles below! I am sure they are wonderful needles but at a cost of 95 Sterling pounds or $150 approx. I think I will pass!
Please remember these posts reflects my opinion only and I received no compensation for mentioning these sites!
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