2011...Resolutions? None...or not much to speak of! I have read all the good advices given in magazines, newspapers, blogs and such...
Inspired? Not! But I will concede the matter of clutter should be reconsidered. I think it has something to do with removing the tree, storing all those beautiful ornaments, the Creche, the stockings and the seasonal items such as linen etc... Once you have vacuumed (Wow! where did all those needles come from?) and dusted, it just dawns on you: there is this sudden need for moving things, cleaning and recycling! In the past it used to be called Spring cleaning...But since the seasons have changed all together everywhere, it appears we get the urge sooner perhaps?
So going down the list of advices given for New Year resolutions:
Being realistic: Removing 3 cabinets in our kitchen, giving the whole room (and the cabinets) a new coat of paint has given me the incentive to change all the cabinets liners and remove all the kitchen tools I do not use on a regular basis (who needs 3 bottle openers even if one is a cute caribou?). Call it a start! And for the price of a couple of cans of paint, you will admit it was not costly!
Plan ahead: I also promised myself I would open all mail, discard junk mail (I rarely get anything else but the occupant mail as it is!) and clean my desk (that is half of a desk since I share with hubby!)
Outline a plan: I will shoot for knitting more since there is such a need for charity giving! This includes lots of blankets for those tiny angels! Then on to hats, booties...
Make Pro and Con list: Well, there you got me! I know what I am capable of and I should be able to list that under Pro (no fibbing allowed here!) but as to Con... I just know Patience tops that list as it will never happened...I have very little of it!
Reward myself: hum...a chocolate always goes a long way!
Track all progress: every year I tell myself I will keep a better organizer! Franklin Covey makes it so easy...or maybe it is easier for someone else!
Bottom line, it is better to take one day at a time and do the best you can each day!
Your turn!

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