- Paperback: 272 pages
- Publisher: Chosen Books (June 3, 2014)
- ISBN-13: 978-0800795795
- Also available in KINDLE format
It starts as a story ripped from the headlines of the war-torn Middle East. An extremist faction of Islam bombs a church during a service. The one door in the back isn't big enough for five hundred people trying to escape.
Some are killed.
But after the chaos and fire and smoke, one young woman comes back to life.
In this thrilling true tale, death does not have the final word. From the first time Samaa heard the Lord Jesus calling her out of Islam into faith in Him, till she met Him face to face in heaven, her life is marked by God's supernatural love and power. Full of hope and encouragement, and overflowing with Jesus' love, her riveting account reveals the power of God to break through any circumstance--and is a moving reminder that, in a place beyond what we can imagine, we have a Savior waiting to welcome us face to face.

My thoughts:
The amazing journey of one young Muslim girl, now a Christian convert, is filled with hardships yet hints at such a strong faith you might think of the Apostles themselves.
Samaa was only fourteen years old when she first embraced Christianity and became an ardent witness for Christ. Little did she know the cost of her faith but despite it all, she remained His disciple.
Growing up in a Middle East society, Samaa Habib (names and locales changed for security reasons) faced countless challenges to her faith, not counting the anguish and deprivations resulting from political and religious conflicts.
I can also imagine what her family's reactions, particularly her father and brothers must have been. Hers must have seemed a betrayal of everything they believed in yet they too found the courage to leave their faith for another.
It was surprising however to realize she strongly believes her prayers have always been answered and if not as she hoped and prayed for, reasonably explained by the Almighty. Such an open communication is not to be taken lightly.
And more to the point: Samaa's near death experience yielded a face to face meeting with the Almighty! As she shares this astonishing momentum with us, I felt her testimony should strength my faith.
That's where I found myself pulled in the other direction...How else can I explain the doubts that troubled me after finishing her book? Will I ever acquire enough faith to experience this degree of personal relationship with our Lord?
A book well worth reading and worth 4 stars!
More about Samaa Habib:
The story is a true story. However locations in the story and some details have been disguised, and the name of the author, her family and friends have been changed, in order to protect the security of those involved.
Samaa Habib grew up a Muslim in the Middle East and became a believer in Jesus Christ even before he appeared to her. Through this and other supernatural experiences, she shares the Lord's great love for people and his imminent return. She is now studying in America.
And Bodie Thoene:

Bodie Thoene began her writing career as a teen journalist for her local newspaper. Eventually her byline appeared in prestigious periodicals and she also worked for John Wayne's Batjac Productions and ABC films as a writer and researcher. John Wayne described her as a writer with talent that captures the people and the times!
Together with husband Brock Thoene she has written over 65 historical fictions, approximately 35 millions best sellers now in print.
Find out more (HERE) on their website!
Disclaimer: I received a copy of this book from CHOSEN, a division of Baker Publishing as part of it's promotion. I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
I believe I understand what you are saying Noelle for such hearing/reading about supernatural/miraculous things have the same effect on me. Is it because "...we see through a glass, darkly..."? Sometimes I think this is the case (of course there can be other reasons too). Anyway, I find my lack of faith and doubts frustrating and am thankful God is very patient with His children.
I seem to recall the (Ursuline) nuns thinking He was very patient with me (when I was little) Aimee.
DeleteBut seriously, this is a book you ponder about it for a long time and an author you would want to meet and talk with.