23 January 2012

So Many Books, So Much To Choose...

I like to keep up with (some of) the latest gadgets if only not to sound like a complete nincompoop! I should amend this with a clarification: anything that has as few buttons as possible (I am electronically impaired!).
The era of computers opened doors in an amazing way and no doubt we shall agree, our world will never be the same for it. Where would we be without Internet for i.e. (or blogging)?

Like so many other inventions however, there is some good and bad in technology. The Internet and computers have enabled most of us to discover an amazing world of information at our fingertips! Then again, the accessibility of certain materials is sometimes unsuitable for a tender age! I will certainly not get into the availability of material NO ONE should be able to retrieve! 
As my children often point out, I am very naive and I would  therefore prefer to hang on to my daydreaming!

So this morning as I was browsing my favourites blogs I noticed 'Little Birdie Blessings' post about E-books.
Since I yearn for an E-book (one of these days I will get one) I read thoroughly each sentence and I agree wholeheartedly (see post here). 

There are countless downloads available to the masses yet it is a little like couponing! 
Why purchase an item simply because you have a coupon for it?
It makes no sense if your family will not use this particular brand so why not use the same reasoning  when downloading a book/article?
And why would we debase ourselves in selecting a title in contradiction to our standard or belief?
Whichever faith we choose to follow,  let's retain GOD in our day to day dealings!

The information we store and read on our e-devices
affects how we think.

Our thoughts affect the way we feel.
Negative thoughts, untrue thoughts,
all lead to stress and anxiety.
I know……..I’ve been there!  
 You’ve been there!

Finally, no one will doubt our love of books once you enter our home. There is something magical in opening the pages of a good novel or article and discover a whole new world, tucked in a comfortable armchair by the fireside. 
Perhaps when I have an E-reader will I also feel the unexplained thrill of such a vast world of knowledge at the mere touch of a button (as long as we retain energy to upload)! 
In the meantime there are many sites with free downloads available which I would like to share and you will find them listed here (see info).

So for now I will continue to cherish my books and try to choose wisely...

 (Watercolour by Van Gogh)


  1. Hi Noelle, thanks so much for sharing your thoughts on my post and for linking it here on your blog. I'm so excited about the link you have here to all the free books I didn't know about. Thank you as well for adding my button to your sidebar. Love your blog background. Thanks again. ~ Abby


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