In a very small French village near Verdun (total 5 homes) there is a stone house...
With a beautiful barn and two large ponds...
With one lone duck (he just appeared one day and elected residence)
If you look well through the reeds you will notice all the frogs...
Through the many acres runs a small brook...
Nearby is the mayor's office...
And a lovely church...
Its very simplicity the better to be closer to God...
Its one single stained glass window, a mosaic of colours...
There is also a very old cemetery...most graves date back to the 19th Century...
Villagers take turns in tending these and have their own key to the church to pray...
With the shortage of priests around the world, there are very few services held here but God is here as everywhere...
And then there are those hard to leave behind when it is time to say goodbye...
Including a lovely bunny named Nana...
Thank you for stopping by and especially to all those who kindly took the time to leave a comment or two. You made my day!!
I have an announcement to make in the near future but first there will be a book review and of course, tomorrow is...the occasion to remember a special date...