Sometime life can be thoroughly puzzling...
So here are a few signs to bring a smile or two...
And when you are done reading, just scroll down a little further to find out why I posted these!
I wonder how many people slowed down/stopped to read this sign!
Universal confusion...
That makes sense...
And loving dogs as we do I could not resist this one...Now if dogs could read...
Do Welsh Pembroke Corgis speaks the same language as a Berger Malinois by the way?
I wonder which (non intelligent ) city employee came up with this one...
And why did I post these?
Well, for reason of privacy I cannot provide you with the actual sign but here is a little of what happened in our neighbourhood only yesterday...
Two years ago an elderly neighbour passed away and having no friends/family (difficult temperament) his encumbered estate was threatened with foreclosure.
The (well known) bank obviously wished to extend all possible courtesy to heirs who just might resurface and placed numerous colourful notices on the delinquent property in the last year. (Each notice requires a ferry fee ticket and guest pass for the bank representative since this is a private island)
This last one requested of the deceased to contact the bank asap or the property would be foreclosed upon.
Thanks for the smiles. Life can be puzzling, actually that is the case quite often.