There are many reasons for keeping certain cherished items near you.
I have always believed that anything not used seasonally or at least once a year should be disposed of. Both my children have chided me on more than one occasion on that score yet I am quite sure someday they will realize there is only so much you can do with material things and dust collectors are not necessary to one's happiness.
The one exception are Heirlooms! However trivial they seem to someone else eyes, these items are a part of us. They tell a unique story and therefore give us an identity. These mementos can never be replaced if only for the memories they carry and thus they become treasures.
For some it might be a piece of jewelry, a shawl, a bit of lace or a delicate china cup and saucer, a sampler, all passed on through generations of women.
For Mums all over the world, it is sure to include children drawings, a quick note or even a pressed flower...
A few photos, a carved pipe, a miner's lamp, an old compass, perhaps a medal or two, all treasured for the memories it carries...
My Treasures are divided in two categories!
The first includes the Mementos, not to be hidden away for another time as too often people do but proudly displayed, loved and yes, often used!
Some are very old, some are just collectibles and all speak of dreams and memories... All can be stored in a suitcase...Perhaps the product of many moves...I would miss each one but they are just things and perhaps should not matter but they do...
The second are the Stories told by countless family story tellers...
These I will always carry along, no matter how far we go...They make me whom I am today and I treasure them more than I would gold coins...
These I should write down one day...After all we each have a story to tell...
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