Matthew Stevenson is a troubled kid from a broken home. When he vandalizes the local church to get back at his parents, Matthew has to repair the damage to the church to avoid criminal charges.
While working at the church, he meets Ernest (John Ratzenberger), an accomplished wood carver who created the intricate woodwork decoration that Matthew destroyed.
Ernest has become something of a hermit, but reluctantly comes out of reclusion to help repair the church. Now Ernest and Matthew must work together to preserve the church's beautiful antiquity, and along the way, they also manage to restore their faith in God and in life. My personal thoughts:
This is one movie I would like to recommend to anyone and in particular, I would like to suggest every Pastor/Youth Group Leader shows it at their very next meeting! Make that an open house and be sure parents sees it as well!
A heartwarming story of people just like you and I, of hurting youth and bewildered parents who try very hard to do the right thing. It is sure to open discussion betwixt generations and communication is so important!
I do no think much has to be said about John Ratzenberger's acting skills. His presence alone with its quiet demeanor and simple and honest faith guarantees any movie to be a winner. Dakota Daulby plays your average angry teenager in need of someone who cares and understand the anger factor behind the vandalism.
The story in itself is nothing new. We see it around us everyday, perhaps even in our own family. But in 'The Woodcarver' the message is clear and sure to reach out no matter how estranged we feel from the ones we love: WWJD? With this simple question, 'Ernest' reaches out to the teenager who destroyed his beautiful carvings and even Matthew's parents. Amazing, the reactions to such thought!
I found the part of the grieving widower to be played with exquisite taste! Love such as 'Ernest' describes is not found everyday. I shall credit the director for knowing when to apply just the right emotion to the right scene!
As to the beautiful house used as set for this movie, be sure to check out the special features! I am ready to move in!
For my part, I have started to believe angels comes in many shapes (see What if?) and John Ratzenberger might well counsel youths in lieu of acting one day!
A must see for any family and worth 5 stars!!
Here are the details for the GIVEAWAY!
Thanks to the sponsor's generosity I am able to offer one (1) reader the opportunity to receive a copy of this amazing movie.
All you have to do is place a comment on this post before Sunday 18 March 2012 at midnight PDT. I will then use to choose one entry and contact the winner via email!
That's all! I received this book free from PROPELLER as part of their blogger review program. I was not asked to write a positive review and all opinions expressed are entirely my own.
I am disclosing this in accordance with the FTC 16 CFR, Part 255 'Guides concerning the use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising.

Hi Noelle the Dreamer - I'd love an opportunity to win this movie. It would be great to show the teenagers in my Sunday School Class and a nice addition to our new and improved church library. Thanks for the review and the giveaway. ~ Abby