23 June 2013

And Out Of The Woods Comes The Forest Prince!

I always admire the splendid shots bloggers often take with their camera so despite the dreary weather we seem to experience for the beginning of Summer, I pulled my trusty Olympus and looked up...

Amazing what you can see when you really look...
I wonder who lives there... 

Turning around the porch yielded however a sweet sight!

Meet Bambi! We often see fawns on the island, usually at this time of the year but this lovely fellow prancing about is a rarity. Bucks usually are very aggressive towards such future competition and few survive!

As you can tell, Mum is very protective and made sure this new offspring stayed on her other side! Still, she let me aim and shoot a couple of shots.

Bambi was very obliging and let me take these photos so that I could share with you!

Our very own Forest Prince!


  1. I love pictures of old and big trees and having Bambi visit your back yard that's just perfect.

    1. The tree in question is an enormous soft maple growing a few feet away from our dining room window.
      This island saw its few residents in 1958 and it seems there were only a handful of trees here (this one surely must have been here before anyone came!)
      Deer roam freely on this island and we love to see them by the windows (little beggars, all of them! Handfed too!)
      All the best,

  2. ~ Your very wonderful pictures made my day! How lucky are you to have Bambi's come and say hello, just for your blog post! hehe..Thank you for sharing. LOVE them! ~ hugs Maria x

  3. Well Maria, I wish I was not all thumb when it comes to photography but it turned alright for an unexpected sighting! June happens to be the time most fawn appears on the island and as tiny as this place is, we know each of them very well. The little beggars know how to let us know they wouldn't mind a treat or two. We also keep a large Bonsai bowl filled with fresh water for the deer and they like to come over at dusk.
    That said, whilst I resist fencing off too much of our 1/3 acre so that I can enjoy their company and I give them plenty of treats, the little devils still wreck havock on my flowers! Shame on them! I took a broom to one the other day for ruining (yet again) a whole heather bush...sigh...I must have been a sight running after this doe judging by ex-RAF hubby's grin when I came back to the porch! Dare I say, the doe just looked at me and ambled on?...Big sigh...

  4. Quelle chance !!! C'est magnifique de voir de tels animaux près de chez soi !
    Heureusement que tu avais ton appareil photo avec toi :)

    1. Entre les Orcas, dauphins, les cerfs et les aigles, nous avons une ample faune ici. J'aime surtout les oiseaux qui chantent pres de nos fenetres...et puis ici, il y a aussi les ratons laveurs et les tout petits ecureuils...
      Dans 2 semaines nous serons dans la montagne...grizzlies, cougars et elks seront autour de nous...Nous aimons la nature comme vous le voyez...
      Je devrais tenir my camera pres de moi plus souvent!
      N.B. Je n'aime pas les aigles...des tueurs malheureusement!


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