15 December 2011

The Best Of News For Christmas!

On Wednesday 14 Decembre 2011 members of the 18th Airborne arrived at Fort Bragg after being deployed in Iraq! We heard the good news as we prepared to cross on the ferry!

'President Barack Obama saluted troops returning from Iraq, asserting that the nearly nine-year conflict was ending honorably, "not with a final battle, but with a final march toward home."

This is a fight that has cost nearly 4,500 American lives and more than 100,000 Iraqi lives...
"The war in Iraq will soon belong to history, and your service belongs to the ages," he said, applauding their "extraordinary achievement."

"Your will proved stronger than the terror of those who tried to break it," he said.'
 (Erica Werner -AP)

The return of these troops are the best news their families could receive for Christmas!

Until the last one comes home!!!!


Blessings to all,

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