26 January 2013

Believe And Take The Leap...

Perhaps it is partially due to the long Winter season, but lately I have wanted to air out the house, clean the cupboards and closets! 
Some might call this 'Cabin Fever' and suggest a new hairdo, something new to spruce up the boring wardrobe or even go off on holiday...

I am not so interested in the first (grey & French twist remains), I recently splurged on a few lacy pieces of lingerie and the 'holiday' calls for some overdue trips to our mountain cabin this year!

Thus with (limited) resources, I decided to do the next best thing and... changed the look of my blog! Or rather I believed it was time for changes, trusted my feelings and inspired by fond memories, took a big leap! 

Voila! What do you think? 
I imagine you will want to know whom is in the photograph taken in 1928...That's a story for another day! As for the background, it called to me immediately being from the Flanders...

This look is what I had in mind months ago, but being seriously computer challenged, it necessasited some precious help from my children! THANK YOU!!!!!!

Life is about trusting our feelings and taking chances, losing and finding happiness, appreciating the memories and learning from the past...

In the end, we regret only the chances we did not take...


  1. Happy Australia day to all and yes life is always a learning experience sometimes it's happy, sometimes sad and other times wonders on an even keel but is a bit boring, all the best.

  2. So true! Thanks for visiting Merle and blessings to you and yours,


I love to share dreams and always enjoy meeting kindred spirits!
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